Some Helpful Tips and Advice

Some Helpful Tips and Advice

Helpful Tips

Parrots need a variety of foods to provide them with a healthy balanced diet.
A good quality seed blend will supply much of your pets needs, but is not enough on its own. Below are some very simple rules for a healthy pet bird.

A simple guide to feeding Parrots:

* Give fresh water daily. Make sure he has food. Don't be fooled by a full bowl, it may just be husks.
* Clean the seed tray daily.
* Always give a cuttlefish bone or similar source of calcium.
* Feed fresh fruit and vegetables - up to 50% of the total diet.
* Feed mixed pulses, once boiled, on a regular basis.
* Avoid feeding dairy products such as cheese.
* Parrots are like children - they love treats, but don't spoil them.
* If in doubt, consult your veterinary surgeon.

Make Sure Your Parrot is Happy and Healthy

It is not enough to simply feed your pet well. They are intelligent and active birds and require a number of other pointers for a healthy life.

* Don't let them get bored, they can rapidly develop bad habits. There are plenty of good toys available to provide them with hours of fun.
* Keep their feet in good condition - either get the vet to clip the claws or get a conditioning perch which has a rough surface to wear down the ends of the claws. We suggest that you get the vet to clip claws, because not only can they bleed, but also if you do it yourself, your pet might sulk for a while.
* Talk to you bird - they love conversation. You might feel self-conscious at first, but both you and your pet will soon be having long conversations.
* Let them out of the cage regularly - they love the chance to stretch their wings and explore. If your bird is destructive, simply return it to its cage - they soon learn to regard this as punishment enough, but remember, a cage is their home and not simply a punishment.
* Wash your bird regularly. Some birds like to wash in a bowl of water; others prefer a shower from a domestic sprayer.
* Don't leave the bird in a draught - this can be lethal.
* Don't let you bird be too cold, but a constant room temperature is more important than a hot one.
* Never have a parrot in a conservatory; it is cold in winter and too hot in summer.
*Most parrots will prefer one member of a household to the others, this is quite normal, so don't be upset if it isn't you.
* If you have any doubts about the health of your bird, contact your vet.
* Joining your local Parrot Club is always a good idea, as you will meet other parrot-lovers and be able to discuss any problems or concerns you may have.

